More Programmes Coming Soon

Starts 24th June – 8 Week Transformation Programme – you can join this programme now and follow along with me.



Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you?

My name is Anna Cousins. I am an experienced, fully-qualified personal trainer and nutritionist based in Aylesbury, Bucks in the UK with over 20 yrs experience.

For the past 6 yrs I have been doing a lot of online training and run ongoing programmes – usually 6 weeks with a deload week before we start the next programme.

Are your workouts suitable for all levels of fitness?

Yes, 100%.

During my classes, I demonstrate variations for each exercise to make them easier or harder depending on your fitness/ability level.

If you are finding an exercise too hard, just choose an easier variation.

I also provide low impact versions to all my high impact exercise.

Where do I find the timetable for your classes?

You’ll find it in the Classes section of this website.

Click here

If I join Premium membership, how long am I tied in for?

You aren’t tied in at all. You can cancel at any time and you will not be charged anything further.

When will you start classes and what will they be?

I will provide whatever there is a demand for, I used to do boxercise, bootcamps, strength training, abs conditioning, pilates, mobility, stretch & tone, resistance bands, kettlebells, fat shreds and HIIT classes locally – all of which I now do online.

If you have any requests I am happy to look at what I can do for you.

I was thinking of starting in December but realise after some advice, that is a ridiculous time to start – so will be looking at starting i the new year! In the meant time come and join my virtual daily live classes – catch up available if time doesn’t suit!