Rain rain go away, come again another day!
It’s been the small talk topic of the week
Moaning about the ghastly wet weather
It’s a British thing, it’s in our nature…to moan about something
No doubt when the heatwave comes, we will be moaning it’s too hot!
“It’s too cold, it’s too wet, it’s too windy, it’s too hot”…and it goes on
Much like how we moan about ourselves…
“I’m too fat, I’m too thin, I’m too unfit, I’m too lazy, I’m too depressed, I’m too busy”
The weather we can’t change…
But we can change how we perceive ourselves
Now put a NOT after I’m…
“I’m NOT too fat, I’m NOT too thin, I’m NOT too unfit, I’m NOT too lazy, I’m NOT too depressed, I’m NOT too busy”
Change your attitude and your priorities and you change your life!
I can’t help you change the weather but I sure can help you change your body, so stop moaning about it and leave all the moaning for the weather!
Whatever your goals, let me be your online personal trainer and I’ll give you a plan that’s perfect, just for you
Want to work on that positive attitude?
Want to be proud of yourself and what you will achieve with my help?
Anna “Come Back” Cousins